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单词 fresh face 例句大全,用单词fresh face造句:

Fresh Umbrian Clay Face Lotion
Fresh Prevent and Renew Face Balm
Fresh air cools my face, and cheers me up.
Steffi Graf gave women's tennis a fresh face.
He started getting fresh with me so I slapped his face.
He started getting fresh in the cinema, so she slapped his face.
在电影院里, 他开始对她不规矩, 所以她打了他耳光。
But a fresh face peeps across my door and raises its eyes to my eyes.
但是一个新的面庞, 在我门外偷窥, 抬起眼来看我的眼睛。
The late entrant will not only have the advantage of being a fresh face.
Applying fresh peel to your face can lighten and brighten the complexion.
用柿皮敷脸可以使皮肤明亮, 有光泽。
To be mature means to face, and not evade, every fresh crisis that comes.
In the morning, when I opened the door, fresh air blew on the face directly!
That sound of aloud slap in the face and my silent as fresh natural contrast!
That sound of a loud slap in the face and my silent as fresh natural contrast!
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
Magicka's brow cleared in an instant, his face smooth as a pail of fresh cream.
Face like a peach. Jung almond eyes. Fresh and delicate. Beautiful cherry mouth.
The regular use of mink oil liquid cream will make your face fresh and Beautiful.
常用貂油奶液, 令您清爽美丽。
and very glad I was to feel the fresh breeze and the seaspray in my face once more.
我又一次感到新鲜的海风和浪沫扑打在脸上, 好不惬意。
Who is the solar eclipse that of Professor Moon cakes, fresh face, that The Longxumian.
He can not seem to keep his hands to himself. When he was fresh, she slapped on his face.
当他毛手毛脚时, 她给他一巴掌。
Solar eclipse is that the cake, Professor Moon cakes, and fresh face to that of Longxumian.
His face was as radiant as the midautumn moon, His complexion fresh as spring flowers at down.
Stress Emulation on Bond Face Due to the Shrinkage of Fresh Concrete of Laminar Depositing Concrete
Inspires feelings of comfort by leaving the face fresh, silky, vibrant, without any feeling of tautness.
Underneath the baby face and fresh smile is hidden Yang Chaos sharp mind and incisive critical faculties.
娃娃脸及稚气笑容下, 隐藏著杨照的细腻思考及锐利批判。
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