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单词 draw in 例句大全,用单词draw in造句:

In proportion as the cabriolet advanced, he felt something within him draw back.
Retirees can draw pensions based on average salaries in the last year they work.
Ben, you can draw a pair of wings for the bus. Then all of us can fly in the bus.
The draw could pull in more than $1 billion, creating a new millionaire each week.
The first round in the Battle of the Atlantic may be said to have ended in a draw.
One day in a drawing class, the teacher told the class to draw an abstract drawing.
一天美术课上, 老师要同学们画一幅抽象画。
I can draw now any xy axis where I please, anywhere in the plane of the blackboard.
I had driven to draw an emptycontainer from our company's depot late in the afternoon.
Laoliu held domestic meeting in time, allow authority draw on the wisdom of the masses.
老陆及时召开了家庭会议, 让大家集思广益。
The draw for next years football World Cup in South Africa has taken place in Cape Town.
The administration will draw up an official agreement that will be signed in a few weeks.
Also draw your floating ribs in the middle of your back downward toward your rear pelvis.
Rotate each ankle in a complete circle. Draw imaginary circles with the big toe five times.
It's far too early to draw any conclusions from what we saw in the first week of the season.
If you want to draw more than ten thousand yuan in cash, please contact the bank in advance.
a treatment in which evacuated cups are applied to the skin to draw blood through the surface.
用抽空的罐子吸住皮肤, 使皮肤流血。
Amass a jar of coins. Bury them in your back yard. Draw a treasure map and give it to a friend.
To draw up and ameliorate all relative document of operation specification and workflow in group
制定完善组内相关的业务规范, 工作流程文件?
A card game in which players bet against the dealer on the cards he will draw from a dealing box.
一种纸牌游戏, 玩家与发牌者赌牌并可以说出牌盒中的真相。
The low draw notes, especially on lower key models, require an adequate space in which to resonate.
低音空吸气音, 需要足够的共鸣腔来发音。
Bayern led Schalke by three points, needing a draw in their match against Hamburg to clinch the title.
Aureate, argent draw the outline of successfully with white become a monk or nun the decorous atmosphere in.
In this paper, the author tries to make clear these problems mentioned above and draw a conclusion about them.
Cleansing empress, take just the right amount of article, be draw in a department to the complete absorption lightly.
用法洁肤后, 取适量本品, 轻轻涂于脸部至完全吸收。
In appreciation of your feedback, your name will be entered in a draw to receive up to $750 in complimentary services.
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单词 draw in 释义

  • 单词释义:吸引;收(债);拉入;(火车或汽车)到站  [更多..]



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