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单词 draw at 例句大全,用单词draw at造句:

Allen began the third set at last to enter, a draw 79 minutes of a board.
Drawing software can not draw oblique axonometric drawing at the present.
We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis.
If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, I'd draw the curtains.
如果艾弗顿在我后花园踢球, 我会拉上我的窗帘。
I enjoy football, but I draw the line at flying to Vienna to watch the match
There has not been a draw between the teams at Fulham in the Premier League.
That's an example, I think, for us to look at and for us to draw comfort from.
我想,这可以作为一个用来参照 并从中得到慰藉的例子。
But the hot new styles at Dior may be a bigger draw for newly wealthy Russians.
Draw up and Implement the Plan to Capture Gold Medals at the 2008 Olympic Games.
At times, so tightly did they draw, the mouth became stern and harsh, even ascetic.
有时那嘴抿得很紧, 便显得严厉, 凶狠!甚至带禁欲主义的苛刻。
We will draw you a documentary draft at sight through our bank on collection basis.
OK. For a current savings account, you can draw and deposit your money at any time.
I encourage people to express their own opinions, but I draw the line at being rude.
Low price for the draw and looking at the stats in this division that enjoys a draw.
虽然和的赔率较低, 但这场球和局是上选。
Archerys shooting amoured knights. You see me? I'm the guy with red bow at full draw.
Winners may be picked at random or names may go into a draw and a winner picked accordingly.
At around 6 pm. the staffs let us made the registration and did a draw for seating allotment.
下午6点左右, 职员给我们预定安排好就座的分配图。
Any of various triangular drafting instruments used to draw straight lines at specified angles.
The Committee reserves the right to vary the draw and starting times at its absolute discretion.
Former Crystal Palace star Geoff Thomas conducted the draw at The FA's Soho Square headquarters.
Now the business opportunities available on the mainland are at least as big a draw for returnees.
Housing tube is adopted at cloth roller, which is easy to draw out the machine after rolling fabric.
It has become increasingly adept at exploiting the power of the World Cup to draw a global audience.
These tactics are just like casting a net; At any moment we should be able to cast it or draw it in.
This finding corresponds with recent research suggesting that you can draw more power at higher altitudes.
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