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单词 drawing room 例句大全,用单词drawing room造句:

You can beautify the drawing room and ample kitchen and bathroom to use it.
Big drawing room, two bedrooms and nursery are situated on the second floor.
Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion overwriting desk.
她往起居室里看去, 写字台边一片狼藉。
The drawing room was full of silent people, sitting at a long and ornate table.
休息室里华丽的长桌边坐满了人, 一个个都沉默不语。
They hang a sheep's head in their drawing room, it is said to avoid evil spirits.
她们家客厅挂了一个羊头, 听说可以避邪。
When Natasha ran out of the drawing room she only went as far as the conservatory.
娜塔莎步出客厅, 奔驰而去, 只奔至花房。
To our surprise, the lost gold coin appeared to be on the floor of the drawing room.
让我们惊奇的是, 那枚丢失的金币出现在客厅的地板上。
Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk.
她往起居室里看去, 写字台边一片狼籍。
There was one code for the drawing room and another code for the foundry and the mill.
The drawing room was full of silent people, sitting at a long and ornate table. The.
The final exam is drawing near and he stays in the reading room all day boning up for it.
There are several barometric pressure water bottles on the tea table in his drawing room.
He paced up and down in the drawing room, extremely concerned over the result of the interview.
The princes valet entered the drawing room and announced that the officer on duty wanted to speak to him.
王储代客进入客厅, 宣布值班人员向他要发言。
The rubber was nearly finished when the prince returned to the drawing room, animated and obviously very pleased.
After moving into a new house, he bought a composite clock from the shop and put it in an obvious place in the drawing room.
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单词 drawing room 释义

  • 单词释义:客厅,休息室;上流社会(人士)  [更多..]



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