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单词 human law 例句大全,用单词human law造句:

Those acts were, inter alia, in violation of both international humanitarian and human rights law.
to the human rights, democracy, and rule of law that we enjoy in the U. S. and the collective West.
和美国以及西方国家 有着原则性的差别
The right to a fair trial is one of the fundamental guarantees of human rights and the rule of law.
Many provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have entered customary international law.
Labor right, one of the human rights, is an essential civil right stipulated in the Constitutional law.
They do not exemplify a moderate use of force and do not comply with international law and human rights.
A robot must abey orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
The law delineates the minimal standards of decency that are necessary for human and business interaction.
Abide by the universally accepted principles of international law and human rights in war against terrorism.
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict the Frist Law.
The United Nations was the greatest defender of liberty and of respect for international law and human rights.
There should be no impunity for those who have committed grave violations of human rights and humanitarian law.
Administrative reviews are carried out by the Administrative Law Unit of the Office of Human Resources Management.
Human rights regimes and other fields of international law clearly had a bearing on the expulsion of migrant workers.
The Relationship between Function of Protecting Human Rights and Principle of Conviction by Lawin Chinese Criminal Law
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