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单词 human law 例句大全,用单词human law造句:

Abortion and euthanasia are, in fact, crimes that no human law can legitimize.
It is beyond the capacity of logic to explain neither is it bound by human law.
? Promoting democracy, rule of law, good governance and respect for human rights.
These acts are an affront to all standards of human decency and international law.
We believe in the legal norms of international law and in respecting human rights.
And ruthless in the face of actual occurrence of human law, he will make to choice
在面对人情是故和无情法律时, 他将作出如何的选择呢
The Council also affirms the need for respect for human rights and the rule of law.
安理会还申明, 必须尊重人权与法治。
But freedom, the rule of law and human dignity have an appeal well beyond the West.
And because of that there's this basic human dignity that must be respected by law.
因为我相信人类有基本的尊严 法律必须尊重它
A Study on Defining Human Resources Management with the Law of Universal Gravitation
Its ultimate aim can only be to lay bare the economic law of motion of human society.
Constant vigilance is needed to ensure respect for human rights and humanitarian law.
Human rights, public interest law, developmental legal aid and class action litigation.
The three theories are same that heaven is natural, human should comply to natural law.
Rule by law is the result of contest of evils and desires, and the fruit of human nous.
I am familiar with the rules of the human resources management and the law of the labor.
Human rights, the rule of law and democracy were interdependent and mutually reinforcing.
Such actions are a despicable violation of human rights and contrary to international law.
Like all other human activities, translation is subject to the law of diminishing returns.
Some helpful ideas could be drawn from the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
Human epistemology of the law on the reverse, because the main object of the confrontation.
人类认识论上的逆反性规律, 是因为主客体的对立。
The condition of human rights protection always went ahead in the continuous development of law.
人权的保护状况, 总是在法律的不断递进中向前发展的。
Corruption impaired the rule of law and democracy, violated human rights and trammelled justice.
The spiritual nature of the ideology of natural law lies in the carrying forward of human ration.
Furthermore, States must ensure good governance and respect for human rights and the rule of law.
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