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单词 GUARDS 例句大全,用单词GUARDS造句:

The frontier guards, ever on the alert, stand watch over the borders of our country.
ARMED guards ringed David Beckham s 31 st birthday barbecue party yesterday evening.
The armed guards of this city have all been transferred to the front lines to fight.
In view of the danger, we have set additional guards at the entrance to the building.
Egyptian border guards have shot dead more than 20 African migrants start of the year.
Macular pigment guards against the damage by acting as natural sunglasses, Landrum said.
Suu Kyi walked into the court unrestricted and unaccompanied by guards, the source said.
When the strong man, fully armed, guards his own homestead, his possessions are in peace.
What is the meaning of this? Collusion with the prisoners? Guards! Arrest both these men!
Point guards drive by Derek Fisher and Jordan Farmar. Shooting guards score on Kobe Bryant.
The crossing has guards during the daytime, and they withdraw in the morning and afternoons.
In on international is called is most advanced, most economical guards against false marking.
在国际上被称为是最先进, 最经济的防伪标识。
After the authorities arrived and mediated, the guards apologized and the matter was settled.
当警方到场调解时, 警卫道了歉, 现场状况也回复平静。
That training is addressed to members of the police, border guards and immigration authorities.
Guards will whip out radios and demand heavily armed backup before chasing you around the corner.
The theory abuses the job power offense and plays suddenly the job guards the fault of the offense
论滥用职权罪, 玩忽职守罪的罪过形式
Additional guards have been placed along the border and now it is less permeable than it once was.
The local armed forces consist of Red Guards and insurrectionary detachments of workers and peasants.
And whenever the Norden bombsight is taken onto a plane, it's escorted there by a series of armed guards.
每一架诺顿瞄准器被安放到飞机上时 都有一队军队护送
The centipede has been nipped by the snake, for guards against the venom proliferation to have the amputation!
蜈蚣被蛇咬了, 为防毒液扩散必须截肢!
NorthSouth security guards House, responsible for North and the South two security guards of the Privy Council.
Nien Cheng was arrested by the Red Guards in 1966 because of the false accusation that she was a spy for the imperialists.
郑念在1966年被红卫兵逮捕, 被指控为帝国主义充当间谍。
During the reign of the Mustang Rajas, the towers were guarded by armed guards to defend the town from bandits and enemies.
在王权统治的时代, 城塔上有武装士兵守卫, 对抗外敌或土匪。
Bath guards the door can pervious to light cannot clairvoyant, appropriate outfit is doublefaced grind or brunet mist smooth glass.
浴卫门只能透光不能透视, 宜装双面磨或深色雾光玻璃。
The Red Guards were armed units of the masses in the revolutionary base areas,whose members carried on their regular productive work.

单词 GUARDS 释义

  • 单词释义:卫兵( guard的名词复数 );警戒;警卫队;防护装置  [更多..]



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