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单词 guard against 例句大全,用单词guard against造句:

A visiting committee also checked on the claimant to guard against false claims.
Other comrades should not be conceited, but should guard against making mistakes.
Guard against the Increas of Appealed Dumping Cases of China after Accession to WTO
A Detailed Analysis of Burglarproof Net Measures to guard against robbery and theft
Please guard against damage and return them on board as soon as they are rectified.
Caution must be used to guard against contamination of pens and stamp pads by other.
However farmers also must guard against corn plants falling down or becoming too wet.
但是, 他们也必须防止玉米秆倒伏或变得太湿。
It is necessary to guard against disastrous fires when burning wild bushes and weeds.
Therefore, in order to guard against the impact, vibration, but light to light up Canal.
In scientific discussions it is essential to guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness.
It possesses resistance to vibration, guard against theft, permissibility and bulletproof ability.
The aerial shall be suitably earthed to guard against lightning strikes and shall be securely mounted.
In a gas mask designed to guard against a biological threat, a very fine particulate filter is useful.
预防生物威胁时, 优良的微粒过滤器对防毒面具非常有用。
The addition of calendula, chamomile, lavender and honey helps moisturise and guard against irritation.
We Should Be on Guard Against the Tendency of Teaching Science in Primary Schools as an Academic Subject
We should be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness, and serve the people heart and soul.
Establishing the System to Guard Against the Differentiation of the Benefit in Building a Harmonious Society
Still have doorcase of8 kinds of guard against theft and ward, bolt gap is too big, be levered extremely easily.
According to CCTV news stereotype has been installed at the bottom of the helicopter to guard against radiation.
But in being cautious, we should also guard against progress being undermined and opportunities being overlooked.
但审慎归审慎, 我们亦须注意不应窒碍发展和错失机会。
In order to guard against credit portfolio concentrated risk, the Bank implements risks limit management strategy.
为防范授信组合的集中性风险, 本行实施风险限额管理策略。
Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized.
当然, 广州队需要保持稳定的心态, 不能冒进, 谨防阴沟翻船。
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
We must guard against or overcome the tendency to be formulistic and abstract, which produces monotonous, stiff, mechanical and stereotyped works.
According to introducing, burglarproof of door of guard against theft two large main component part are door body and lock of guard against theft.
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单词 guard against 释义

  • 单词释义:避免,预防;警戒;警;戒  [更多..]



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