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单词 door god 例句大全,用单词door god造句:

Finally, God opens a door.
Close the door! Oh, my God!
把门关上! 天啊!
Close that door. Oh, my god.
F. B. I. Open the door. Oh, my god.
Then who's at the Door? Oh, my God.
When God close a door, he opens a window elsewhere.
如果上帝关了一扇门, 他会在其他地方打开一扇窗。
When God closes a door, he opens a window elsewhere.
如果上帝关上了一扇门, 他就会在另一地方打开一扇窗。
When you are a dump, you are barring the door for God to come.
The charitarian give out at the door, and God puts in at the window.
The door of heaven will open for you forever the God just be with you.
天堂之门永远为你打开, 上帝永远和你在一起。
God closes the door when He has a better idea, then He opens another door.
I think there's a reason why god sent someone to the door That exact moment.
刚好在这个时候有人来敲门 这是上帝的安排吧。
Origin, Classification and the Characteristics of Door God and New Year Pictures.
Origin、 Classification and the Characteristics of Door God and New Year Pictures
God when closes a leafed door, certainly has turned on another leafed door for you.
Reportedly, the two door god affixed to the door, and all Jiaomoguiguai will be daunting.
There are many study showed that acupuncture can really improve god door hole heart disease.
研究也表明, 针剌神门穴确能改善心脏疾病。
All in all, this door of heart keep opening inward and outward to let the God's love flowing smoothly.
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