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单词 dining room 例句大全,用单词dining room造句:

We added a second story, which consists of a kitchen, a dining room and a bedroom.
In corridor, in the dining room, bathhouse child in the good place that is jabber.
The curtains in the dining room are transparent so we have to close the blinds too.
餐厅得窗帘很薄, 我们最好拉上百叶窗。
There's one living room, one dining room, one master bedroom and two other bedrooms.
有一个客房, 一个饭厅, 一间主卧室和两间客卧。
Nobody, certainly not members of the press, accompanied the five into the dining room.
At breakfast the aroma of freshly brewed coffee permeates the kitchen and dining room.
It is designed as noe living room,one dining room,one master bedroom and two bedrooms.
She stood in the open double doors between the dining room and living room as I served.
I ran from the dining room bawling. Up in my room I threw myself on the bed and sobbed.
It is designed as noe living room, one dining room, one master bedroom and two bedrooms.
The layout of the unit includes one huge living room, one dining room and three bedrooms.
The suites also have a full chefs kitchen with a dining room accommodating up to16 people.
A typical house has a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, a bathroom and some bedrooms.
It's a three-bedroom apartment with a living room, dining room and kitchen, and two bathrooms.
The bottom of the kitchen and dining room, twostory warehouse, three, four is the living room.
底层是厨房和餐房, 二层是仓库, 三, 四层是居室。
Neddy, a youthfully slender man, slid down the banister and jogged to the dining room for coffee.
Breakfast was no sooner over than down in the dining room the first round of mahjong was to begin.
早餐刚过, 下面餐室里已忙打第一圈牌。
Breakfast had already been served in the dining room, so they ordered and paid for two extra servings.
Sitdown dining These restaurants cater to customers who sit down in a dining room and order from a menu.
Three buildings flavors dining room host camp orthodox school, Hang Bangcai and place typical local dish.
三楼风味餐厅主营正宗淮扬菜 杭帮菜和地方风味菜。
Bedroom furniture series, dining room furniture series, school desk, coffee table and office furniture series
AS I entered the dining room, there on the table next to my cake wAS a huge bouquet of flowers, bigger than any before.
The kitchen, dining room and parlor were on the first floor, and three bedrooms, along with a small wardrobe room, were upstairs.
He could not sit down but circled the long dining-room table with a drink in his hand, calling down terrible oaths on his employees.
After that, Mr. Moinian said he arranged with the restaurant to provide Mr. Lin regular access to the restaurants private dining room.
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