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单词 cut down 例句大全,用单词cut down造句:

Approach to Reduce Cost and Cut Down Expense for Pipeline Transportation Enterprises
Are there people picketing against farmers every time they cut down a bushel of corn
We should make careful planning and detailed calculation so as to cut down expenses.
Since the bark is very soft, George did not put much effort trees cut down the costs.
由于树皮很软, 乔治没费多大力气就把树砍倒了。
And you can cut down fat and sugar more by using skim milk and an artificial sweetener.
The adoption of this new device can greatly cut down the quantity of defective products.
A pinch of baking soda added to tomato recipes can help cut down the acid in the recipe.
Oversized financial conglomerates should be cut down to size and forced to spin off assets.
A prescription antidiuretic can cut down on nighttime urination if this is the only problem.
So the Tin Man cut down the tree with his axe, and soon they were all across that river, too.
于是锡人用斧子砍倒了树, 很快他们就过河了。
Save for a bigger wash when using washing machine and dishwasher and cut down the rinse cycle
A few months later, in the hour of the Unions victory, he was cut down by an assassins bullet.
The factory cannot afford to employ any more workers, so it will have to cut down on production.
If both groups are going to raid the dungeon anyway, we can cut down on losses by working together.
如果两支队伍一起搜索这个地城, 我们的损失就会更小。
The aim is to cut down on the number of miscarriages of justice and give defendants better protection.
Industry of confederative Germany shoemaking the shoemaking total output1982 appeared farther cut down.
Industry of confederative Germany shoemaking the shoemaking total output1984 appeared farther cut down.
Josiah smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles and covered the sites with human bones.
又打碎柱像, 砍下木偶, 将人的骨头充满了那地方。
One of the most effective ways to improve the atmosphere is to cut down on the release of greenhouse gases.
Being besieged by mountain torrents, how many people still engrave those forests being peremptorily cut down
被山洪围困得人, 有多少还铭记横遭砍伐得森林?
Being besieged by mountain torrents, how many people still engrave those forests being peremptorily cut down?
It’s so hot and the beer tastes really good here, so I’m drinking all the time. Gotta cut down on my beer consumption lol
The doctor advised the patient to cut down on his drinking but he could tell that it was going in one ear and out of the other.
Using adjoint method to cut down the cost of gradient calculation Selecting an appropriate optimization method to avoid Hessian.
CONCLUSION Contents of bacterial endotoxin in the infections root canals can be cut down obviously with calcium hydroxide treatment.
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单词 cut down 释义

  • 单词释义:裁短;减少;把…砍倒[割掉];<非正>驳倒  [更多..]



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