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单词 cut edge 例句大全,用单词cut edge造句:

A cut in the edge of the cloth.
The edge of a cut gem held by the setting.
He cut his hand on the edge of the open can.
He cut the ball back to the edge of the area.
Top edge is raw cut to mirror shape of bottom edge
The edge of this knife is too dull to cut the bread.
这把刀得刀刃很钝, 无法切面包。
He's a little on edge right now. Cut him some slack.
shape or cut in scallops, as of the edge of a garment
形成或割成干贝状, 就像贝壳外表的边缘
The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field.
If you cut the iron wire with a knife, you'll blunt its edge.
如果你用刀砍铁丝, 会使刀锋变钝的。
Wallpaper knife cut off the excess with the edge of integers.
Remove seal from refill pack or cut along dotted edge on side.
Measure Liguid Inder of Refraction by Interference of Cut Edge
Cut an edge loop through the middle of the newly created faces.
Cut refers to contact with knives with a continuous cutting edge.
The edge of failure often has the short cut those accesses to success.
I happened to touch the sharp edge of the broken bowl and cut my finger.
碰到碗碴儿上, 手指头拉了个口子。
The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster.
The facts, Bob, the facts! Thomas cut in. There was an edge to his voice.
摆出事实来, 鲍勃, 提出事实来!托马斯打断道, 他有点生气了。
Using thin sharp knife, cut around inside edge of each ramekin to loosen.
he took sticky clay and cut in it characters as thin as the edge of a coin.
Next, cut from the outside edge of the circle to the inner circle, as shown.
然后, 从圆的外边缘到内孔剪一个口, 如图所示。
The bales may be stacked, cut edge down in a chamber, if walls are available.
如果有墙, 草捆可以堆放在棚内, 缩短周边。
Measure the linear expansion coefficient of metal by interference of cut edge
After the first cut I examined the edge and blade. There was no damage at all.
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