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单词 crouching 例句大全,用单词crouching造句:

The mountain is too dangerous to climb, it is shaped like a crouching tiger and a hunkering dragon.
It's the international language through which Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon speaks to all cultures.
In Jianghu, everyone has an evil heart, and everywhere there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons.
江湖上人心险恶, 处处卧虎藏龙。
It was virtually crouching, with its chest close to the floor, like a man suffering from a stomachache.
小鸟几乎是蹲着, 胸离地很近, 像人害肚痛蹲在地上那样。
She began taking off her uniform, then stood there, hands cupped over her breasts, crouching at the pubic bone.
There are others who say that the hill was given the name tiger simply because it looks like a crouching tiger.
A lot of movies are shot here, shooting, such as Return of the Condor Heroes and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Yesterday afternoon when I walked out of the Shengli movie theater after watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I found my bike lost.

单词 crouching 释义

  • 单词释义:屈膝,蹲伏( crouch的现在分词 )  [更多..]



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