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单词 crouch down 例句大全,用单词crouch down造句:

sit, kneel, crouch, etc down
坐下, 跪下, 蹲下
Crouch down and bend over a little bit.
Would you crouch down a bIt'so that I look taller ?
F front of crouch down base, once pulled her hand.
Friend, face the blackness, stand to keep, do not crouch down.
Sure did. Had to crouch down a little, and keep an eye on the guard tower.
没错。蹲下来一点, 也要注意一下警卫。
I need to think fast. I crouch down to negotiate with Wes at his eye level.
Look, after the assult, the victim crouch down to the cornor, she's helpless.
看, 拳打脚踢之后, 受害者被打到缩成一团, 完全无力反抗。
I couldn't control myself but crouch down with eyes closed, painful and desperate.
我控制不住自己, 蹲下身痛哭起来。
Mario could crouch down, tuck his limbs into his shell and slide across the screen.
If you are in a crowded public area, crouch down, with your hands protecting your head and neck.
如在人口密集的地方, 蹲在地上, 保护住头颈。
For instance, the shy pup who cringes and skitters away from you when you crouch down to pet her.
It makes me so satisfied to crouch down welcoming children rushing into my arm with their arms apart.
我一蹲下来, 孩子就张开双臂搂我, 我太满足了!
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