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单词 cluster together 例句大全,用单词cluster together造句:

Several stems should be grown together to form a cluster.
几块根茎应种在一起, 形成一丛。
Two cars smashed together and a cluster of rubbernecks gathered around.
两辆汽车相撞, 一群好奇的人围拢起来观看。
Also, the companies in the cluster can lobby together for changes in the locality.
而且, 集群里得企业可以一道游说, 影响当地得变化。
Experts know that neurons that perform similar functions tend to cluster together.
a cluster of small projectiles fired together from a cannon to produce a hail of shot.
A configuration is a connected cluster of vertices of a plane graph together with the degrees of the vertices.
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单词 cluster together 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)集中, (使)成群  [更多..]



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