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单词 cluster around 例句大全,用单词cluster around造句:

There was a cluster of fans around the actor.
Around the cluster is a huge vague diffuse nebulae.
They peck at shoes and cluster around a camera tripod.
它们轻轻啄人们的鞋, 并且聚集在照相机三角架边。
There was a little cluster of admirers around the actress.
A series of bracts beneath or around a flower or flower cluster.
Two cars smashed together and a cluster of rubbernecks gathered around.
两辆汽车相撞, 一群好奇的人围拢起来观看。
They're moving around in this gravitational potential well of this cluster, OK.
Hill Central water around, deep line, cluster into the clouds, the perfect harmony.
山环水绕, 深谷一线, 峰丛入云, 和谐完美。
Cluster headaches cause severe throbbing pain on one side of the face around the eye.
If there are no full repositories available, publications cannot be propagated around the cluster.
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单词 cluster around 释义



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