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单词 brushing 例句大全,用单词brushing造句:

Brush the first layer when brushing paint the same direction, then wake neat.
刷第一层底漆时涂刷方向应该一致, 接搓整齐。
A small bunch, as of twigs or hair, attached to a handle and used in brushing.
Nonetheless, too much combing or brushing will cause hair breakage and damage.
An analysis of the main brush feeding system of the water wheel brushing machine
To enhance An. Anthropophagus egg hatching rate by brushing egg with writing brush
Analysis about the Main Points of Cocoon Brushing in Automatic Silk Reeling Machine
He holds a theory that drinking alcohol before sleep can replace brushing his teeth.
The gums are swollen, soft, and may bleed, particularly during brushing or flossing.
牙龈肿胀, 柔软, 可能出血, 尤其在刷牙或用牙线清洁的时候。
Technique of enzyme digestion adding brushing for isolating bronchial epithelial cells
Thus, the brushing effect in a transverse brushing mode on the tooth gaps is improved.
Brushing aside the adverse reports of his scouts, the general ordered the attack at dawn
For a neat appearance a light brushing and airing of outermost clothing should be given.
要想外观整洁, 对外衣轻刷和晾晒是有必要的。
The gum bled so easily that brushing her teeth with a toothbrush was no longer possible.
The Investigation and Application of New Alcohol Based Brushing Coatings for Green Sand Cast
When brushing one's teeth, bleed, be to lack which of vitamins What should eat to complement
刷牙时出血, 是缺少哪一种维生素?应该吃些什么来补充呢
We must form the good habit of washing our face, and brushing our teeth before going to bed.
When brushing your teeth, brush the back of your tongue, too, or scrape it with a tongue scraper.
You're gonna have to start brushing your teeth and showering before I would go out on a date with you.
He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her thigh.
Brushing or scraping the tongue twice a day reduces the number of bacteria on the tongue, which causes bad breath.
Drones, gadflies, wasps and butterflies flutter about aimlessly, brushing their wings against the walls of the hive.
His left hand reached up to his shoulder, fingertips just brushing the barrel of the rifle strapped to his shoulder.
他把左手举到肩膀处, 指尖轻拂过肩上挎着的步枪枪管。
To replace traditional double sides adhesive brushing and double sides adhesive tape. To avoid unnecessary release parer.
The position of the raised tuft is altered slighhtly by the brushing, but is has not become detached. Is the player in breach of Rule 159a.
Brushing and using dental floss remove larger particles, but dentists suggest brushing the back of the tongue as well where the bacteria hide out.

单词 brushing 释义

  • 单词释义:疾驰的,掠过的  [更多..]



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