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单词 brush aside 例句大全,用单词brush aside造句:

Can you brush it aside?
To brush these fires aside
to brush/ sweep objections aside
对反对意见置之不理/ 不顾反对意见
She asked me to brush the snow aside.
Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.
The liberal technicians brush aside this softheaded mush.
He threw aside the writing brush and joined the army resolutely.
I pushed aside the crushed cushion a rush and saw a bushy brush.
我匆匆的放下一把被压碎的垫子, 看到了一把稠密的刷子。
If you want to go further, you have to brush aside all obstacles.
如果你想前进, 你就必须扫除一切障碍。
I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.
I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.
我苍促忙地推开压碎的垫子, 看到刷毛浓密的刷子。
I dur pushed aside the crushed cushion in ga rush and saw a bushy brush.
James made some adverse criticisms of the plan but I was able to brush them aside.
Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window and brush aside a cobweb.
有时, 一束月光穿过冷雨簌簌帕打在窗棂格栅, 掸散丝丝蛛网。
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单词 brush aside 释义

  • 单词释义:把(某物)扫掉;刷掉;轻而易举地对付(敌人);无视  [更多..]



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