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单词 casting sand 例句大全,用单词casting sand造句:

Meanwhile, the pollution by waste sand of casting becomes more and more serious.
另外, 铸造废砂的污染也越来越严重。
Provide specifications washed screen, casting sand and sand used in construction.
A mass of dry sand placed within a mold to provide openings or shape to a casting.
We can also adopt sand shell moulding or metal mold casting as for allotype castings.
对异形铸件, 还可用砂型铸造或金属型铸造。
Study on the Technology of Nylon Core Box for Sand Casting Based on Rapid Prototyping
Effect on Sand Layer Quality of Mold Structure of Centrifugal Casting Resin Sand Mold
Finally, the author proves his approach by analyzing an example of sand mould casting.
How much pouring temperature of EPC should be improved than that of sand mould casting
The major products includes gold jewellery , fuzz sand aurum, electrical casting accessory。
主要产品有黄金首饰, 绒沙金, 电铸摆件等。
One method to make casting sand mold directly from the bozzetto of the sculpture is introduced.
The working temperature of sand cores for aluminum casting have been tested in the present work.
Spraying sand for jewelry casting could also be supplied with different specifications and types.
Effects of Production Process on Microstructure and Properties of Sand Casting Chromium Bronze Alloy
Copper approach gradually enriched the emergence of lost wax casting, resin sand casting, foundry casting.
The characteristics and advantages of expendable pattern casting process dry sand and vacuum are briefly introduced.
Present Situation and Application Prospect of Reclamation Techniques of Returned Sand from Sand Mold Casting in China
The characteristics and advantages of expendable pattern casting process with dry sand and vacuum are briefly introduced.
The method by using the adhesive for repairing casting defects such as sand holes and air holes has been described in this article.
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