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单词 casting film 例句大全,用单词casting film造句:

Study on Gas Film Soft Contacted Continuous Casting
How did the financing and casting of your film come together ?
影片的资金和演员是如何募集的 呢?
Which casting light on Beijing exterior view marriage yarn film ?
The young actress used the casting couch to enter the film industry.
The current research on lubrication of casting flux film in continuous casting mold
The young aspiring actress used the casting couch to her advantage for get role in film.
那位心急的年轻女演员为了得到影片的角色, 而出卖色相。
Structure and Elemental Composition of Surface Film of Magnesium Alloy Lost Foam Casting
Study on crystallization microstructure of solidified film of mold flux for high speed continuous casting
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