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单词 break up 例句大全,用单词break up造句:

When I told her that I wanted to break up she turned black.
What will happen to the children if Peter and Alice break up?
Use bold, italics, bullets and numbered lists to break up the page.
They kept stirring up trouble, thereby hoping to break up the coop.
他们不断捣乱, 企图以此破坏合作社。
Break up in the miscellaneous department and arrange shipping space.
This is what you see when you break up a beam of light with a prism.
If your boyfriend is dishonest to you, you should break up with him.
如果你的男友对你不诚实, 就该和他分手。
You'd better break up with your sleazy boyfriend before you get hurt.
And if I had any sense at all, I would break up with the breakup sex.
如果我当初理智的话 就应该让最后的激情作为终结
split divide break up abruption break up cleavage Having lobes lobed.
All feasts must break up in the end; all good things must come to an end.
Be honest with your boyfriend about your reasons for wanting to break up.
GI break up with him, I married with anther man which is also poor. And you.
But most of the M that hit the earths atmosphere melt or break up in the air.
After considerable thought, she decided to break up with her boyfriend after all.
You can break up a beam of incoherent light with a prism, which is made of glass.
She never confessed to the problems that lay behind the break-up of her marriage.
Anna hinted to her boyfriend that she wanted to break up, but he didnt get the word.
安娜暗示男友要和他分手, 但他居然还没明白。
If they break up, they go through their belongings and give the other an equal share.
如果他们决定分手, 他们将和对方平分财产和所有物。
But most of the meteorites that hit the earth's atmosphere melt or break up in the air.
The grey clouds that had prevailed morning began to break up, promising a fine afternoon.
Break up the U. S. Department of Agriculture and empower the Food and Drug Administration.
They break up the shoals into smaller, more manageable balls, and all the hunters benefit.
No longer because wayward bow and would not, no longer because stubborn and light speech to break up.
She has been saddened by the break-up with her boyfriend who ended their relationship not long after he went abroad.
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单词 break up 释义

  • 单词释义:结束;(使)破碎;放假;(使)散开  [更多..]



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