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单词 breast bone 例句大全,用单词breast bone造句:

Objective To investigate the risk factors of bone metastases in breast carcinoma.
ICTP was much more worthy than NTX in diagnosis of breast cancer bone metastasis.
Influencing Factors for Breast Cancer Bone Lung and Liver Metastasis after Mastectomy
The Thymus gland This is a small walnut sized gland which lies behind the breast bone.
胸腺胸腺是一种像小核桃大小的腺体, 分布于胸骨后侧。
The forked bone that lies between the neck and breast of a bird is called the wishbone.
Objective To investigate the effect of breast feeding on bone density and calcium metabolism.
Recently the effect of tumor marker on bone metastasis in breast cancer was regarded increasingly.
近年来, 肿瘤标志物在乳腺癌骨转移中的作用日益受到重视。
Objective To introduce the current studies on bone biochemical markers in breast cancer bone metastasis.
For instance, breast cancer cells preferentially metastasize to the regional lymph nodes, lungs, liver, and bone.
Clinical observation of chemoradiotherapy combined with zoledronic acid for the patients with bone metastasis in breast cancer
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