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单词 bring down 例句大全,用单词bring down造句:

Shoot down To bring down by hitting and damaging with gunfire or a missile.
They decided to bring down the curtain on their love affair after four years.
Children would bring them close together and break down this invisible barrier.
Otherwise, the Buddha will have to bring it down to you, or bring you up to it.
否则, 佛陀要么将佛塔降下来, 要么将你升上来。
Even the most seemingly frivolous of topics can bring down the axe at any time.
May seize the broom and bring it down with a tremendous whack upon David's back.
I know you will bring me down to death, to the place appointed for all the living.
On Chinese New year's eve, my father always tells jokes that bring down the house.
在除夕夜的时候, 爸爸总是会说笑话, 使家里笑声满堂。
Youll have to take a tuck in that estimate to bring it down to a cost I can afford.
We should try to find the most effective way to bring the policy of apartheid down.
It does not bring down the system cleanly, and hence the results are unpredictable.
Drinking a cup of lukewarm water on an empty stomach will bring down blood viscosity.
头脑昏沉的时候, 喝点咖啡可以清神。
Despite their promise that they would bring down the prices, prices have gone on rising.
The terrorists attempt to bring down airplanes full of innocent men, women, and children.
With the floating impeller structure design, bring down the motor start and running load.
Whenever we have a family gathering, my father always tells jokes that bring down the house.
我们每次家庭聚会时, 我爸总是会讲笑话, 使家里笑声满堂。
Merrill Lynch, Tylenol can bring down a fever, to alleviate cold symptoms, but does not cure.
美林, 泰诺都可以退烧, 缓解感冒症状, 但不治病。
The net knits red blood cell mostly normal or a bit bring down, dan Yike spends heighten gently.
Lidocaine has bring down cardiac muscle stimulant, restrain a heart to conduct systematic action.
The reasonable diameter distribution of coal the burning efficiency and bring down the power consumption.
According to Tibetan Buddhism, treasure bottle could keep down demons, protect from disasters and bring the safety.
Generate electricity in recent years bring the water with chute many upper reaches, already bring down erodent speed.
How long will you assail with your threats, all of you, to bring someone down as you would pull a wall or smash a fence
他是我的堡垒, 我决不致摇倾。
Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward.
Now the peasants are using the checking of accounts as an occasion to bring down a great many of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
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单词 bring down 释义

  • 单词释义:降(价);把(某物,某人)抬下(楼、山);使(某物或某人)掉下[倒下];击败…  [更多..]



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