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单词 brine water 例句大全,用单词brine water造句:

Effect of brine leaked from brine pipeline on ground water
Standard test methods for specific gravity of water and brine
The characteristics of sea water and brine magnesia are described.
Evaluation of Calculation Methods of Water Activity in Natural Brine
It is better to drink lukewarm brine in the morning or drink honey water?
Talk about the Pressure Control of Center Pipe Water strike in Brine Mining
Awake in the morning is honey water drunk before drinking weak brine to sleep
A deep hole or shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water, oil, gas, or brine.
井陷入土地中, 用来取水, 油, 气或咸水的深孔或竖井
Add water to wash eyes ingredients commonly, weak brine, liquid washing eyes.
Avoid ambient conditions where capacitors are covered with water, brine or oil.
Continuous injection to control foam in water, brine, crude oil and condensate.
用于连续投加来控制淡水, 咸水, 原油和凝聚油中的泡沫。
Application of underground brine, saltwater and surface brackish water to aquaculture
地下卤水, 盐水和地表咸水在水产养殖中的应用问题
The research and development of magnesia from sea water and brine in China are demonstrated.
Spraying or continuous injection to control foam in water, brine or water based drilling fluid.
用于连续投加来控制淡水, 咸水或水基钻井液。
The brine refill system on the control valve is not allowing enough water back into the brine tank.
The ionic composition of formation brine is one of the main factors influencing the decrease in water wetness.
Determination of Trace Ammonium in Secondary Refined Brine by Ion Chromatography highly water soluble dextrin phosphate
The constitution of brine used in this test should be the same as the brine used for establishing the initial water saturation.
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