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单词 deep water 例句大全,用单词deep water造句:

Deep water carbonate debris flow in the Middle Ordovician Pingliang Formation of fuping, shaanxi
Features of Circumpolar Deep Water, Antarctic Bottom Water and their movement near the Prydz Bay
Application of Filling Concrete Curtain Coffer in Constructing Bridge Abutment in Deep Water Base
The effect of the overlap of the solid and sea tide to the dynamic change in the deep water table.
Soakaway well and tubular well adopted together for dropping the water level of deep foundation pit
Forecasting on Deep Soil Water of Cherry Orchard of Jiaodong Based on Surface Soil Water Information
Investigation on quick computation method for the static characteristics of deep water mooring system
Deep water trace fossils from the Shahejie Formation of Paleogene of Chezhen Sag in Jiyang Depression
Design of the Simulative Actuation Test Instrument for Pyrotechnic Actuated Device under the Deep Water
Moreover, deep water irrigation in booting stage is an important defensive countermeasure of cold harm.
The design of mooring systems is one of the key issues in the exploitation of platforms for deep water.
At present, steel boxed cofferdam has applied in the construction of high pile cap in deep water widely.
The Use of Plugging with Inner Protected Barrel in Handling Embedded Pipe and Broken Pile under Deep Water
Deep Well Lowering Water Level Test of Deep Foundation Pit of Puxi Segment of Shanghai Exterior Loop Tunnel
TGP main river channel closure has such features as large discharge, deep water and high dumping intensity.
Being navigable waters and anchorage basin as well, Shenzhen Bay west sea area is limited in deep water area.
深圳湾西部海域既是通航水域又是锚地 但深水水域有限。
It gives some valuable advice on how to heighten holistic, macroscopical benefit of deep water well drilling.
提出了从整体上, 宏观上提高深水井钻进效益的改进措施。
Design and Construction of Lightweight Steel Case for High Capped Piles in Deep Water for Sheshui Creek Bridge
So the works of this paper have established a foundation of study the mooring system in deep water for the future.
Dynamic Response Analysis and Experimental Research on Caisson Breakwaters in Deep Water under Breaking Wave Forces
Building of Construction Platform for Steel Casing of Bored Piles in Deep Water and Uncovered Rock guide twist drill
Construction Technologies of Deep Water Foundation of Main Tower Piers of Wuhan Tianxingzhou Changjiang River Bridge
On soft foundation treatment method of breakwater guide levee for deep water channel in estuary area of the Yangtze river
I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace.
The construction method and the experiences for building this bridge within the deep water by using the floating crane are described in this paper.
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