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单词 calculate for 例句大全,用单词calculate for造句:

You can calculate, how long will it take for the stalactite of such type to grow.
Calculate the total cost for all the items in the cart from the returned structure.
In the end an example is given to calculate for the blank of the slip joint pliers.
Calculate, in metre, a lower bound for the difference between the high and low tides.
Simple Discussion of Some Views for the Monld and Yeast Calculate of Food Microbiolog
Magistrate seems to be different for each computer to calculate the time stoppage time.
Surveying of Static Friction Coefficient for Forest Seed and Calculate of Slippery Speed
Let us calculate the velocity required for such an orbit, and the time of one revolution.
Using Monte Carlo method to calculate the neutron distribution within fuel assembly for PWR
Gamma Ray curve is mainly used for the location of lithology and calculate the clay content.
A President should not spend political capital unless he can calculate high odds for success.
一位总统决不应轻易消耗政治资本, 除非确有把握成功。
For example, you can calculate a total number of hours worked, or determine the age of an invoice.
For instance, they calculate interest by the flat interest method. It's not exponentially derived.
举例来说, 他们利用单利而不是复利方式计算利息。
This means that at the end of a year a Muslim has to calculate what amount must be paid for zakah.
意思是说, 年末, 穆斯林得计算自己要支付天课的总额。
One key problem with APF application is how to accurately calculate harmonic currents for compensation.
Being easy to carry out and simple to calculate, it has significant practical value for project survey.
该方法施测过程简单, 计算简便, 有较好的应用价值。
Objective To calculate individual annual cosmic radiation effective dose for monitored flight personnel.
And Human Resources Office will inform Finance Office to calculate the unpaid salary for the leaving staff.
The original information for target identification is usually crude and cant be used to calculate directly.
So lets now calculate the period for the other three objects for the ring, for the disk and for the pendulum.
现在我们计算另三个的, 周期圆环, 圆盘和摆。
Calculate Analysis of Transversal Stabilization for Turning of Oil Tank Truck with Irregular Elliptical Section
Everlasting Affliction Will now calculate correct damage values for Corruption when it is refreshed in all cases.
Research and Calculate the Measure Calibration of the Propellant for the Applied of the Photo Ionization Detector
Tax payers have the right to choose the date for foreign exchange settlement and calculate with the convertible rate.
纳税人有选择外汇结算日期, 计算折合率的权利。
In addition, linear PSE was used to calculate the neutral curve for small amplitude disturbances in a supersonic boundary layer.
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