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单词 calculated load 例句大全,用单词calculated load造句:

The buckling critical load is calculated with finite difference method.
用差分法求解这个方程, 得到了连续油管的临界失稳载荷。
A Comparison of Ice Load on a Picket Calculated from Current Criterions
Finally, the lateral displacement is calculated under the action of wind load
Finally, the lateral displacement is calculated under the action of wind load.
The actual regulation can be calculated using the system and load characteristics.
The load bearing capacities and deflection of the steel crane girders were calculated.
The fluid load in pipeline is calculated, that is calculating the pressure distribution of pipeline.
The critical load and natural frequency of rhombus plates with simply supported at all edges are calculated.
Furthermore, the height of the sidewall and load on the structure are necessary to be calculated to guarantee the safety of the aqueduct.
而且, 由此计算渡槽侧墙高度和结构荷载, 确保渡槽的安全。
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单词 calculated load 释义

  • 单词释义:计算负载,设计载荷  [更多..]



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