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单词 clear away 例句大全,用单词clear away造句:

Also somebody likes to clear away entire apparatus rise, hide in the ambry of efficient.
也有人喜欢把全部用具都收拾起来, 藏在干净利落的橱柜里。
To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism.
讨好, 求爱试图获得某物或消除敌对而用热心的表示来奉承
The effect of the Chinese medical herB Dahuang is to clear away heat and keep your Bowels loose.
We should make a clear sweep of our enemies the way that the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves.
Party of gypsum flavour is cold and essien sex can clear away heat, except vexed enfold purging fire.
His attempt to sweep away all preconceptions and prejudices was a clear declaration of revolt from the past.
Research of the curative effect of clear away operation in the thoracic cavity and water bottle in treatment of acute empyema.
open a way by Breaking through Bramble and thistle clear away obstacles in ones way Blaze ones way through all the difficulties
The pharmacological research showed that walnut green husk could clear away restrain bacterium, ease pain and antitumor actions.
药理研究证明, 核桃青皮具有抑菌, 镇痛, 抗肿瘤等功能。
Also can clear away heat good spleen and open flavour, lower blood pressure, such as effectiveness, relatives and friends is nice.
Observation of Detoxifying Effects of Herbal Drugs to Relieve Spasm and Sedate Pain and to Clear Away Heat and Expel Fire to Morphinistic Rats
Can clear away the internal heat and blood heat, promote urination and reduce blood sugar. For people who want to adjust drainage and be pleasant.
Taking frequently white chrysanthemum and the fruit of Chinese wolfBerry helps you to clear away the pathogenic fire in the liver and gallBladder.
白菊花, 枸杞子, 常服用, 清肝胆。
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单词 clear away 释义

  • 单词释义:散去;驱除; 消除;收拾餐桌  [更多..]



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