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单词 clear away 例句大全,用单词clear away造句:

Clear all these toys away before bedtime, honey.
宝贝儿, 睡觉前把这些玩具都放回去。
Clear away new York agency please this awful mess!
Clear away the dishes as soon as you finish eating.
I tried to edge away until I was clear of the crowd.
我侧着身子移动, 最后走出了人群。
The wind blows away the clouds and the sky is clear.
The clouds soon clear away and it became quite warm.
不久乌云消散, 天气也变得很暖和了。
Please clear away the dishes when you finish eating.
He is going to clear away wheat stubble in the field.
Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.
Accelerate circulation of blood, clear away toxin and swell.
促进血液和淋巴循环, 排毒, 排水, 消肿。
Liang, as usual, easy to clear away the small cardboard box.
The sun soon rolled the mist away, and the view became clear.
We would become the Redeemer theto clear away all of the evil.
我们将成为从天而降的救世主, 扫清一切罪恶。
The howl is a clear warning to neighboring wolves to stay away.
We must clear away bureaucracy in the administrative management.
We must clear away all the filth left over from the old society.
In summer mung Bean soup helps to clear away heat and stop irritation.
As usual, she helped Minnie clear away the dishes and straightened up.
Clear away the bowls, dishes and leftovers as soon as you finish eating.
你吃完饭就把碗, 碟, 剩菜收了。
I am getting older and I am clear that it will not be long before I pass away.
The Chinese patent drug Ganmao Chongii can clear away heat and toxic materials.
中药感冒冲剂, 清热解毒。
He took a breath to clear away the cobwebs of the night as the raven flapped away.
But it became clear that there were limits to their ability to arbitrage folly away.
These people scampered away of their own accord without our having to clear them out.
In order to clear away heat and keep your Bowels open, you should have more vegetaBles.
为清热通便, 应多吃蔬菜。
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单词 clear away 释义

  • 单词释义:散去;驱除; 消除;收拾餐桌  [更多..]



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