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单词 with a view to 例句大全,用单词with a view to造句:

The forces of law and order were increased immediately with a view to ensuring the security and safety of the accredited embassies.
Yet, in actual life we invariably initiate action with a view to a result.
In addition, ad business moves farther with a view to advertisement, video advertisement and gregarious network.
此外, 广告商将进一步着眼于移动广告, 视频广告和社交网络。
With a view to further my studies, I would like to apply for admission to your Chemistry Department to pursue a Ph. D. Degree.
为了进一步深造, 我想向贵校化学系申请攻读博士学位。
Furthermore, we adopted a similar classification with a view to publishing the two bibliographies simultaneously.
We are doing this with a view to halting Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.
Confer with others with a view to reaching agreement.
My daughter, with a view to my altering my condition, is about to leave the house.
我的女儿为了我要再婚, 就要离开家庭了。
I should like to consult him with a view to arranging a full discussion.
我要向他请示一下, 安排你们详细面谈一次。
Research into atomic energy should be conducted with a view to its peaceful use.
With a view to preventing such harm, people often take a tolerant attitude.
Craft workers were also encouraged to take part in major international fairs with a view to attracting investment.
The authors no doubt overstated their case with a view to catching the public's attention.
Liverpool are reportedly monitoring Valentin Stocker with a view to making a January bid for the Swiss youngster.
The bank has reduced the interest rate, with a view to encouraging its customers to take out loans and make investment.
With a view to his approaching birthday, we decided to present him with a new novel.
鉴于他生日将到, 我们决定送他一本新小说。
He turned his head over his shoulders to the right, to look at the boots of his interlocutor with a view to comparison.
He has bought land with a view to building a house.
He has bought a piece of land with a view to building a house.
With a view to develop our business, we decided to establish a branch office.
为发展业务, 我们决定开一家分公司。
These opinions are formulated with a view to further carrying out such principle.
为进一步贯彻该工作原则, 特制定本意见。
With a view to simplify practical manufacture, design tables and computing equations are listed.
China will continue its effort to communicate with Vietnam with a view to properly addressing the current situation.
The restriction to fixed capital is a compromise with a view to practical implementation.
Force, violence, pressure, or compulsion with a view to conformity is therefore both uncivilized and undemocratic
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