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单词 what is worse 例句大全,用单词what is worse造句:

Yes, it is. What is worse is that it is very expensive.
And what is worse I really do!
What is worse, its clandestine nature invariably makes corruption extremely difficult to detect.
What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotype as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on cawing at the masses.
何况这是党八股, 简直是老鸦声调, 却偏要向人民群众哇哇叫。
this is to help them correct mistakes. To deny them help and, what is worse, to gloat over their mistakes, is sectarianism.
What is worse, a war broke out between China and France over the issue of Vietnam.
更大的变数是, 中法因越南问题交恶, 爆发战争。
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