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单词 on a scale 例句大全,用单词on a scale造句:

Measuring low on a scale of verbal ability.
something added on a scale in order to meet a required weight
On a scale of one (cairn) to six (unraftable), this section of the river rates as five - plus, but the advertising proclaimed'No experience necessary'.
We are facing an array of challenges on a scale unseen in our time.
我们正面临一系列的挑战, 其规模前所未有, 在这个时代。
the average score in this room for coffee would be about 60 on a scale of 0 to 98.
你们给的平均分,以百分制算,会在 60 分左右。
based on a scale consisting of12 semitones.
Harvest failures had caused famines on a scale not seen for a century.
Loneliness was measured on a scale of one to fie, with higher scores indicating more loneliness.
Research on a Scale of Cooperative Competence
The Tendency and Condition of Feeding Meat Rabbit on a Scale
on a scale of 1 to 10
Score each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5.
And the mining and the exploitation of that is creating devastation on a scale that the planet has never seen before.
挖掘及开采这些矿脉的举动 对地球造成史无前例的破坏
It was a map drawn on a scale of one inch for 100 miles.
So now, evolution can take place on a scale of microseconds.
所以,现在进化可以发生在 微妙的数量级上。
Each of the factors is given a weighting on a scale of 1 to 10.
Each of the factors is given a weighting on a scale of 1 to 8.
that went far beyond the ordinary, familiar habits such as stepping on a scale every day.
远远超过了正常的,熟知的习惯 比如每天量体重。
The purpose increased the economic profit of feeding rabbit on a scale.
Her lover is a9 on a scale of10 and that is a pretty terrific score.
What would you rate her on a scale from 1-10?
The Rwandan genocide was a human tragedy on a scale rarely seen in recent history.
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