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单词 in a sense 例句大全,用单词in a sense造句:

Dogmatism and skepticism are both, in a sense, absolute philosophies.
As a measure of risk, mean absolute deviation is better than variance in a sense.
作为度量风险的标准, 绝对离差比方差更为合适。
In a sense, the accent has been considered as an individual symbol.
So it's acting, in a sense, like a living system trying to preserve itself.
这样它就像一个生命系统一样运动 去维持自身
They have come up with, in a sense, a sort of different method for organizing activity.
The adoption of new disciplines and practices is, in a sense, straightforward.
The wife's adornment lies in her husband in a sense that people won't normally cherish evil thoughts about her.
夫贵妻荣, 则表示人们通常不会对她怀有非份之想。
In a sense, there is little new in this advice.
In a sense, the Central Advisory Commission is a transitional organization.
从某种意义上说, 顾问委员会是一种过渡性质的组织形式。
He was, in a sense, given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa.
I agree with you in a sense, but inflation is unavoidable.
在某种意义上说我同意, 但是通货膨胀是不可避免的。
Thus, agricultural scenery is an art of land in a sense.
So in a sense, it's getting ahead of us.
In a sense, this will point one's ancestors.
某种意义上来说, 这有点数典忘祖。
It was, in a sense, the Apollo project of its day.
在某种意义上, 它就是那个时代的阿波罗计划。
In a sense, apostle Paul had a similar perspective on life.
In a sense, economic information is embodied in archive information.
The archive is, in a sense, the victim of its own success.
在某种意义上来说, 档案馆成了其成功模式的牺牲品。
In a sense in a sense, arithmetic is a language.
从某种意义上说, 算术是一种语言。
Love the moment of arrival should also maintain a sense of balance.
In a sense the atmosphere bears resemblance to an ocean.
Polite language, in a sense, spoils casual atmosphere.
In stage two, companies begin to attain a sense of brand and corporate identity.
第二点, 公司们开始掌握品牌和企业识别的要义。
In a sense, it is possible to say that a clean and attractive room is the product that the accommodations industry offers.
我一直在家里收拾房子, 真的需要好好打扫。
In a sense the set of attributes of an object also form a namespace.
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单词 in a sense 释义

  • 单词释义:在某种意义上,在一定程度上  [更多..]



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