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单词 make a clean breast of 例句大全,用单词make a clean breast of造句:

The police won't let you go unless you make a clean breast of the whole affair.
If worst came to worst, he could make a clean breast of it to Butler and receive aid.
to make a clean breast of something
We truly want to make a clean breast of our sins and to talk these through with a priest.
make a clean breast of it.
to make a clean breast of sth
Make a clean breast of what you have done.
Did the murderer make a clean breast of his crime
You ought to make a clean breast of the whole matter.
The police urged the criminal to make a clean breast of everything.
His guilty conscience forced him to make a clean breast of everything.
Don't be evasive. You'd better make a clean breast of it.
别躲躲闪闪的, 你还是和盘托出的好。
I might as well make a clean breast of it. I have been living as a woman since 1975.
I've decided make a clean breast of it and tell you exactly what happened that night.
我决定把这事坦白清楚, 确切告你那天夜里发生了什么。
This is just why you need to make a clean breast of your income and expenses while making an application.
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单词 make a clean breast of 释义

  • 单词释义:坦白讲出…;倾吐衷曲  [更多..]



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