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单词 in control of 例句大全,用单词in control of造句:

Wang said he felt in control of all of his pitches and slowed his pace accordingly.
王说他今天投得得心应手, 并且顺势放慢步调。
When faced with a crisis, the main job of the pilots is to maintain control of the aircraft.
Proactive alerts keep you in control of your critical shipments
Theoretic Analysis of Automatic Gain Control of Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
Thanks to family connections, Chandler ended up in control of the Los Angeles Times in 1960.
Once in control of Apple again, Mr. Jobs set out to reshape the consumer electronics industry.
再次控制苹果后, 乔布斯开始重塑消费电子行业。
Hostiles are in control of the area.
Mr. Mugabe remains in control of the armed forces.
This was all in an effort to gain control of the oil supply in central asia.
I am aware of this fact and I think I am in control of this aspect.
Russian Special Services maintain control of virtually all public and civic organizations and associations.
you are in control of your attitude every morning, keep it optimistic and expectant.
充满期待, 满怀乐观, 每天早晨你都掌控著你的态度。
You are in control of your attitude every morning, keep it optimistic and expectant.
There are four distinct forms of authority in control of planning.
对控制部署, 有四种不同形式的权限。
The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player of the team in control of the live ball is
Somalian pirates gain control of a supertanker with 2 million barrels of crude oil.
Somalian pirates gain control of a supertanker with 0 million barrels of crude oil.
This division was in control of the 20 Commando Battalion as well.
She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.
Stay in control of the board!
The person whoBdrivesba car, bus or train is the person in control of it.
开汽车, 公共汽车或火车要用。
To remain calm remain in control of oneself.
Planning the marriage campaign is essential, and will allow you to be in control of your manhunt.
Irrational druguse for the pain control of cancer still existed.
Wow, I said to myself. I cant believe he left me in control of this desalination plant.
哇!我自言自语, 真难以相信他让我掌管这个脱盐厂。
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单词 in control of 释义

  • 单词释义:控制,管理,掌握  [更多..]



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