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单词 in contrast to 例句大全,用单词in contrast to造句:

The authors noted that the rapid response to morphine was in contrast to the absence of any effect of placebo.
研究者还提到缓释吗啡见效很快, 而安慰剂却没有任何作用。
Data collected by the Japanese government in 1993 shows that only 2304 of Japanese youth are thinking about supporting their aged parents, in contrast to 63% of young Americans.
In contrast to aplastic anemia, leukemia results in a highly cellular marrow.
与再生障碍性贫血不同, 白血病的结果是骨髓有大量细胞。
My new apartment is a welcome change in contrast to my old one.
In contrast to join points, pointcuts are defined in aspects.
In contrast to the previous four months, August was drier than usual.
与前四个月相比, 八月较正常少雨。
In contrast to your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed.
你们认为我们会失败, 而我却深信我们定会成功。
In biology, the concept of organic compounds is in contrast to the concept of inorganic substances.
In contrast to its inherent symbolism, the bowl is opulently lined with silk and threaded with gold brocade.
全身由固体黄金和珍珠覆盖, 雕塑高21英尺, 重超过42磅。
In contrast to the surroundings, she was young, pretty and brisk.
她年轻, 漂亮, 动作轻快, 同周围的一切恰成对照。
In contrast to California, say, Washington passes its budgets on time.
In contrast to previous moves, the new pledge will not include the caramel dip for fruit.
此次的新推出的套餐里, 将不再推出沾焦糖的水果片。
Whether to play competitively in contrast to casually.
In contrast to this, people have always cherished a deep love for Yue Fei.
与此相反, 人民热爱岳飞。
Your wears are too sharp in contrast to your classmates' .
In contrast to his colleague, he has no mask.
However, in contrast to France, it was not the colonizer of the Kanaks.
但是, 与法国相反, 保喀同盟不是卡纳克人的殖民者。
Refer to, compare to, in contrast to compare to sth.
This is in contrast to gassolid riser reactors in which the concentration of solids is higher at the walls.
这是对比的气固提升管反应器中的浓度固体较高, 墙壁。
In contrast to her sister, she was always considerate towards others.
和她的姐姐截然相反, 她总是能体谅他人。
In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate in her treatment of others.
和她哥哥完全不一样, 她对别人总是很体贴。
in contrast to...
In contrast to what he had been fearing, it was a trivial matter.
This is in contrast to previous policies.
In contrast to this stands the individual soul.
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单词 in contrast to 释义



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