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单词 stand in 例句大全,用单词stand in造句:

Stand in for QC inspector to conduct QC checks on all in his absence.
I still, to this day, stand in absolute awe of what I see when I make these dives.
直到今日,我潜水时所目睹的一切 仍令我感到无比惊奇。
School, stand in fast static Qi, and accompanied by songs from the school.
放学站队快静齐, 伴着歌声把校离。
The owners all had the same need to understand international accounting rules.
企业拥有者都有同样需要, 即了解国际会计准则。
The owners all had the same need to understand internation accounting rules.
The night is cool like water, she doesn't understand inside how accurate, can go back and along appearance palace.
Help us understand in what ways the Kaufman text is accurate, or not. Check the Richard Ellmann biography of Wilde and at least one other bio or critical study.
He will stand in as the acting manager.
I had an opportunity to stand in for the sick actor.
You must stand in awe and admire my handiwork, and of course me as well.
However, Lamikiz admitted he would not stand in Del Horno's way.
It was the most intriguing thing for me to understand in this technological advanced country.
It is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage.
Advertising companies to stand in the perspective of customers and look for their cause.
The Euclidean reason and aesthetic intuition stand in two poles of human intelligence.
Study on changes of soil fertility as affected by the replacement of broadleaved stand by Chinese fir stand in Nanping
Someone says, you just know dogs, cats and suchlike, but you don't understand interpersonal affection!
有人说, 你只知道什么小狗小猫, 但不懂得人与人之间的感情。
If there is an afterlife, to make a tree, stand in eternity, no and posture.
Immediately afterwards, let go of the rails and stand in a stable crouch.
然后迅速松开扶手, 随着浪走, 蹲伏站稳。
In case of a major military move the offender would stand in violation of the agreement.
You go right ahead. I certainly won't stand in your way.
你尽管去, 我决不扣留你。
Only then understood loves the human, can understand in heart's fragrance.
We cannot allow dogmatism to stand in the way of progress.
Alone I stand in a pavillon, hearing willow whispering to my ears.
And where does America stand in terms of wages
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单词 stand in 释义



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