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单词 sort of 例句大全,用单词sort of造句:

Its a sort of a collection of a collection of eh.
A hammer is a sort of tool.
It's a, a sort of favor.
At present it is some sort of a museum, although it may be confidently called abandoned.
现在它类似一种博物馆, 尽管事实上已经被废弃了。
That looked like just the sort of nepotism that the president abhors.
So I was able to sort of exercise all of that.
Easy operation and be able to do many sort of hairstyle.
操作简单, 可变化多样发型。
It seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence.
And a big part of the work that is sort of absent in this context is text.
However, the horse rode by the lady of the Guo State is absolutely another sort of animal.
This is sort of a look at the skull, and it's an absolutely fantastic thing about five or six inches long.
The lemon zest will sort of split the milk, making a sauce, which absolutely fantastic.
柠檬汁和牛奶混合在一起, 调成酱汁, 非常美妙。
Um, listen, I have sort of an abstract computer question.
How is an abstract art piece that sort of almost barely resembles a computer going to remind people of your software company
He examined this joy with a sort of wrath, and found it absurd.
An All Risks policy covers eVery abundance sort of hazard, doesn't it?
一份全面险保单保所有的险, 是?
It is a sort of special power supply equipment for threephase AC point machine on speed accelerated switches.
All are the sort of wellmeaning and thoughtful films that the Academy likes best.
That sort of acceleration, combined with the boat's exceptional handling capabilities, guarantees you a wild ride from the first 0.1 second to the last.
It is a very particular accent and not just sort of mix between British and American.
这是一种相当独特得口音, 不仅仅是英音和美音得混合。
When Hob came here he spoke English with a sort of horrible Ruritanian accent.
People found this sort of contradictory reality hard to accept.
I find it unbelievable that people can accept this sort of behaviour.
This sort of sweeping generalization may be acceptable in the 1930s.
And you're going to the mountains to ski, you get different accessories put on the car for doing that sort of thing.
若你要去山上滑雪 你要把各种所需器材 放到车上
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