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单词 on the spot 例句大全,用单词on the spot造句:

And he said on the spot, absolutely yes.
If are not definitely accepted or turned down on the spot.
No appeal will be accepted. The decisions of the referees on the spot will be final.
大会不设上诉, 一切赛果以当场裁判之判决为准。
No appeal will be accepted. The decisions of the referee on the spot will be final.
大会不设上诉, 一切赛果以当场裁判员的决定为准。
A group of people gathered spontaneously on the spot of the accident.
The accounts were checked on the spot.
The accused be find not guilty and discharge on the spot.
A good result has been achieved by applying on the spot.
The case of taxation evasion has put the famous actress on the spot.
The maritime administrative agency, as well as the maritime administrative law enforcement personnel may confiscate the fines on the spot.
Our competition adopts the form of giving out scores on the spot to show justice.
我们的比赛采取当场亮分的形式, 以示公正。
Our competition adopts the form of giving out scores on the spot to show justice.
我们得比赛采取当场亮分得形式, 以示公正。
The surveyor will use a laptop computer to give on the spot advice.
And two poineering youths can choose an adviser independently on the spot, do obeisance to Shi Xueyi.
In case there is any witness, the witness on the spot shall affix his signature or seal.
Under the blackjade's agitation, cheers the sound to make a group on the spot.
在黛玉的鼓动下, 现场欢呼声响作一团。
To Understand the Character of the Students of Correspondence's Teaching of Normal University To Carry on the Spot Teaching with a Clear Aim in Mind
The news of the airplane crash was broadcast on the spot over IV.
A criminal was arrested on the spot at the airport.
在机场, 一名逃犯当场被捕。
An ambulance was on the spot within minutes.
The ambulance on the spot, the jeeps were running wild.
救护车早在现场待命, 同时吉普车也疾驶而来。
He proposed on the spot, against the twinkling lights of the Coney Island amusement parks.
在科尼岛游乐园闪烁的灯光下, 他当场求婚。
Methods Analyzing and investigating on the spot and literatures.
At this, all of them became angry and several resigned on the spot.
The boss was so angry over ned's mistake that he fired him on the spot.
老板对于内德的失误极为恼火, 当即就把他解雇了。
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单词 on the spot 释义

  • 单词释义:立刻;当场;在危险中;处于负责地位  [更多..]



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