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单词 hand in hand 例句大全,用单词hand in hand造句:

In terms of improving access to medicines, price and quality go hand in hand.
Hand in hand we stand all across the land.
Mitigation and adaptation must go hand in hand.
Since then, the campus added two small angels hand in hand.
That is a challenge we have to face hand in hand with the new Administrator.
Walking the University campus, the decorative flowers and admired by hand in hand with the romantic.
Let advance hand in hand to create beautiful futures together.
让我们携手共进, 共创美好未来!
We will advance together hand in hand with you, the cooperation altogether wins!
我们将与您携手并进, 合作共赢!
We will advance hand in hand together with everybody and create a better tomorrow!
并与大家一起携手共进, 共创美好明天!
Let us hand in hand advance towards and together create a better future.
我们愿与您携手共进, 共同创造美好未来。
We hope to advance with your company hand in hand, appreciating the peak of the trend!
Will be willing hand in hand to advance together with you, creates more magnificent tomorrow!
愿与您携手共进, 创造更加辉煌的明天!
The sincere anticipation with yours cooperation, will advance together hand in hand, creates happy tomorrow!
Let us advance together and create resplendence, please struggle to our fine tomorrow hand in hand!
让我们携手共进, 共创辉煌, 为共同拥有美好的明天而奋斗!
We owe something to extravagance, for thrift and adventure seldom go hand in hand.
我们对亏欠铺张一些东西, 因为节俭和奇遇很少走在一起。
Its connotation is hand in hand with aesthetics meaning, which exerts a long influence.
Development efforts and conflict resolution in Africa must go hand in hand.
Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture.
Hand in hand, they talked while walking along the embankment.
Couples walked hand in hand along the front.
My brother and hand in hand in the rink angin and again in the slippery.
Hand in hand with the police inquiries the government has also announced a full investigation.
We anticipated hand in hand cooperates with you, altogether creates magnificently.
我们期待与您携手合作, 共创辉煌。
Hand in hand so we can stick together and go anywhere. In campus of PKU.
We started hand in hand saving Jews and Arabs.
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单词 hand in hand 释义

  • 单词释义:手拉手,密切合作;携手  [更多..]



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