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单词 gain ground 例句大全,用单词gain ground造句:

CCTV hope, manufacturer should drive floor figure TV actively gain ground.
央视希望, 厂家应积极推动地面数字电视的普及。
Leading up to the earnings announcement, Google continued to gain ground on rivals.
The red army began to gain ground after the battle.
这次战斗后, 红军开始往前推进了。
to gain ground
Data side. model, model, laser prevents the composite material as bogus to gain ground gradually.
More substaintial change is a broadband gain ground.
Gain ground as net net fast faster and faster, broadcast hears on the net unchallenged already.
随着宽带网普及, 网速越来越快, 网上听广播已不成问题。
As corporeal culture standard of living rise, indoor it is gradually with carpet gain ground.
Chest refines change to the function, gain ground more between change clothes, dresser decrescent.
衣柜向功能细化转变, 更衣间更普及, 梳妆台变小了。
Sterling continues to gain ground against the dollar.
They will continue to gain ground and, in some cases, overtake us.
Gain ground extend the trend of a spending that defending a service is future for certain.
But after several years, the company broke even. Profits were equal to expensesandAnd soon after, I began to gain ground.
The soldiers fought hard and began to gain ground.
Pass into when the Opium War, gain ground after reforming and opening.
鸦片战争时传入, 改革开放后普及。
The patient began to gain ground as soon as she had good food.
这位病人饮食一好, 她的病情就开始好转了。
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单词 gain ground 释义

  • 单词释义:前进; 有进展; 越来越为人们所接受;逼近  [更多..]



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