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单词 go for 例句大全,用单词go for造句:

to have a smoke/ go for a smoke
抽根烟/ 去抽根烟
Go for a ride in a car.
A snake without a head cannot go forward.
The camel is characterized by an ability to go for many days without water.
If you can't get absolute silence, go for quiet, that's absolutely fine.
如果没有完全无声的环境 那就去一个安静的地方也没问题
He was absolutely skewered in the press years ago for doing this.
If you absolutely HAVE to use this gem, never go for pure blue gems.
如果你绝对地需要使用这个宝石, 决不要去插纯蓝宝石。
Carry food when going out and go for an outing, in abstaining from throwing to eating remnant something into a mountain.
携带食物外出郊游时, 禁忌把吃剩的东西丢在山里。
Do you go for abstract paintings?
Minister numerous go forward to watch in abundance, but does not have one to be able to say the answer.
众大臣纷纷上前观看, 但没有一个能够说出答案来。
I like to go for clothes, caps and accessories.
Let me accompanying you to go forth.
Happiness thrives in activity and accomplishment. Go for it!
No one could go forward with a load of aching memories.
If you have severe acne scars as I had, sometimes you have to go for the stronger stuff.
In order to live, let us acquit, go for it!
Let's go for a run across the fields.
The fruit is plenty sweet, so go for coconut milk with no added sugar.
The General Assembly has adopted resolutions condemning the embargo for eight? consecutive years.
before the adoption can go forward.
Again you will adorn yourself with your tambourines And will go forth in the dance of those who make merry.
To go forward with the times, to be open up and blazing new trails, to promote the development of vocational and adult education of the capital
Dear Leo, go for the gold while conditions are so perfect for you to find advancement.
啊, 小狮子, 抓住这完美的机会, 摘得黄金吧!
He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.
This piece of advice is good, but it go for nothing for the matter.
这条建议很好, 但是对于这件事它毫无用处。
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单词 go for 释义

  • 单词释义:适用于某人(或某事物)  [更多..]



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