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单词 even if 例句大全,用单词even if造句:

Even if the world abandoned me, I have to accompany basketball.
Even find themselves abandoned and no one can pick up me, even if no one stone.
连自己都觉得被遗弃, 没有人可以拾起我, 连一块石头都不如。
Even if he's able to honor his end of the deal.
Even if you are able to alter one course of events.
And you might be able to see fireworks even if it's not July Fourth.
非国庆日, 也可以观看烟火表演。
Even if the attempt was premature, but also better than abortive strategy.
Even if you have absolute faith in your love, Mercury Retrograde can wreak havoc with the wedding ceremony itself.
即时你相当信任你的恋情, 水逆也会破坏你的婚礼。
Even if realistic paintings is also the works that artists manage abstractive thinking.
I hope the reorganization will be accelerated even if it is imperfect improvements can be made step by step later.
希望这个调整搞得快一些, 哪怕不完善也可以, 以后逐步改进。
Even if I could forgive you, my family would not accept you!
Even if its a subconscious desire, everyone wants to be deemed acceptable.
就算那是浅意识的渴望, 每个人都希望能被接纳。
Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you don't call it lying.
Above the first qualified acceptance, delivery to the owners, even if it is submitted to the.
先把上面的验收合格, 交付给业主, 就算是交房了。
But even if he had, she would never have accepted him, because she did not love him.
而即便他提过, 她也永远不会接受他的, 因为她不爱他。
Yet even if the cause of the accident is pinpointed, fixing the plane to the satisfaction of British and French regulators will add to the cost of operating the aircraft.
Under todays productliability law, the motorist would doubtless get off scotfree, even if the accident was his fault.
The book was published last year to great acclaim, even if it was incomplete.
这本书去年在一片欢呼声中出版, 即便还不完整。
Even if accompanied with dreary day let us smile with teats.
Even if it takes me ten years, I am determined to accomplish the job
Old enemies can become new friends even if all their national interests are not in complete accord.
Accordingly, even if the bag eats encase, salary also cannot under minimum wage standard.
But some accounts actually must criticize, even if this middle has separated the long 7 years.
You should check your credit reports once a year, even if you don't close any accounts.
Dust accumulates quickly, even if you clean the house every few days.
At time she enjoyed the reputation it gave her for daring, even if it wasnt quite accurate.
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单词 even if 释义

  • 单词释义:即使,纵然;虽然;即若;哪怕  [更多..]



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