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单词 lead a life 例句大全,用单词lead a life造句:

Let me abide by the law of nature to lead a life of nature.
He doesn't lead a life of abundance, but he throws away money like dirt when buying books
You can lead a life of undisturbed peace ever afterwards.
I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest
我已学会摒除一切, 用心去活
His father had hoped Barnaby might lead a life of dim propriety.
It is a great pity that such a beautiful girl should lead a life below stairs.
这么漂亮的女子过着仆人般的生活, 真是可惜。
Except for show dogs like Biff, most boxers lead a life of relative leisure.
I lead a life that I don't like, among boon companions.
我过着我不愿过的生活, 来往的尽是酒肉朋友。
The cancer patient may lead a life of misery an end by death.
癌患者直到死亡为止, 成年累月过着悲惨的生活。
Her early widowhood condemned her to lead a life of hardship.
I lead a life of confusion and turmoil.
Lead a life of shameless dissipation
Lead a life of elegant ease
We hardly lead a life of luxury but we're not poor either.
我们谈不上奢侈地生活, 但我们也不穷。
I mean from henceforth to lead a life of extreme seclusion.
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