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单词 make friends 例句大全,用单词make friends造句:

Ability to make friends easily.
Make friends with an official and you become poor, with a merchant you wax rich and with a priest you acquire a subscription Book.
Those who would make friends must cultivate the qualities which are admired and which attract.
He told me again and again not to make friends with her.
I need to make friends my age, and you need to make friends your age.
我得跟我的同龄人交朋友 你也得跟你的同龄人交朋友。
The two boys agreed to let bygones be bygones and make friends again.
Summer schools aid you to make friends with children from all over the world.
八, 假日学校助你广交国际朋友。
I won't allow my son to make friends with that fellow.
She is too aloof to make friends easily.
I'd like to make friends with someone who shares my ambitions and outlook on life.
Try to make friends with Ana. She will be your good friend.
As a newcomer to the area, Paul was anxious to make friends.
保罗初来乍到, 渴望结交朋友。
I used to think I could make friends with anybody, that it was easy to talk about anything.
我曾认为我可以跟任何人交朋友, 容易与人谈任何话题。
He was really mad at me and said he didnt make friends with me anymore.
他真的对我感到很生气, 并且说他不想再做我的好朋友了
I like sport and like make friends, the reson is I'm Aries I think.
我喜欢运动, 喜欢交朋友, 我想大概因为我是白羊座的缘故吧。
By all means make friends with the dog, but do not lay aside the stick.
可以和狗交友, 但勿忘打狗棒。
I made no attempt to make friends with her.
Lennie smiled helplessly in an attempt to make friends.
In Paris, many kinds of cocktail parties and buffet receptions provide good oportunities to make friends.
Imagine trying to make friends covered with razorsharp poisonous barbs.
Actually you can make friends through a bargain with a seller.
I know many foreigners like to go to clubs, bars to make friends.
Maybe I'll make friends with a bear.
Because loved, not as enemies because of the injury, so it will not make friends.
B Going shopping with foreigners is a good way to make friends with them.
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