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单词 come to an end 例句大全,用单词come to an end造句:

The curtain dropped. The first act had come to an end.
幕落, 第一幕结束。
The curtain dropped.The first act had come to an end .
Revive admit together the day of Internet advertisement advance rapidly will come to an end.
The Congress come to an end of their onemonth holiday and start afresh working this afternoon.
All feasts must break up in the end; all good things must come to an end.
For what does he care about the family he leaves behind when his allotted months come to an end?
他的岁月既尽, 他还顾他本家吗?
Actually her song collection had almost come to an end already.
An offer may come to an end by lapse of time.
The term has come to an end.
Not be a file file of a few red heads finishs sth, also not be an appeal did not come to an end.
不是一个文件几个红头文件了事, 也不是号召一下没完事。
Can the EU Arms Embargo on China Come to an End?
But this great Assyrian Christian civilization would come to an end in 1300 A. D.
Now the award ceremony has come to an end.
Now the awarding ceremony has come to an end.
Departure of the bearer, the role of exit registration card will come to an end.
持照人离境后, 出境登记卡的作用即告结束。
Don't cry because it come to an end, smile because it happend.
不要为他的结果而哭, 应当为他的发生而笑。
Don't cry because it come to an end and smile because it happened.
不能因为它的结束而哭, 应该为它的发生而笑。
Even the closest and strongest of interpersonal relationship must eventually come to an end.
朋友再好, 终有一别。
Even the closest and strongest of interpersonal relationship must eventually come to an end .
Community development will come to an end.
The first session of the second term of the Legislative Council Legco has come to an end.
However, the Council of Tirisfal finally decreed that her stewardship had come to an end.
但是, 提瑞斯法会最终决定终结她的守护者职责。
He said it is up to Iran to decide whether the time for dialogue has come to an end.
他说, 应当由伊朗决定对话的时间是否结束了。
It is our fervent desire and our priority objective that this suffering should come to an end as soon as possible.
We are all relieved that the monthold dispute seems to have come to an end.
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单词 come to an end 释义

  • 单词释义:结束,终止;完事;期满;平息  [更多..]



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