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单词 in memory of 例句大全,用单词in memory of造句:

In Memory of an Absent Friend
The Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel the Econometrics and Modern Bayesian Statistics
Every year, we hold a family ceremony in memory of ancestors, and every member of our family is supposed to attend.
每年家里都要家祭, 人人都得参加。
This paper is in memory of the hundred anniversary of the death of Hsu Shou.
In Memory of The Hundred Anniversary of The Death of Hsu Shou, A Pioneer of Modern Chemistry In China
In Memory of Older Person of Virtue, and Promoting Modern Architectural Education
纪念先贤, 促进当代建筑教育
The architecture is built in memory of the late leader.
Nearer home, I loved the stories collected in memory of Katie Sullivan, the 23-year-old mental home care assistant who was murdered last year.
We have made a donation to the American Heart Association in memory of your father.
我们已经为美国心脏协会捐了款, 以纪念你父亲。
In memory of the fairy with azure hair.
The villagers set up a monument in memory of dead in this battle.
The villagers set up a monument in memory of the dead in this battle.
The sky tells its beads all night on the countless stars in memory of the sun.
天空整晚对它的露珠说着无数的星星, 为了纪念太阳。
in memory of my beloved husband
in memory of our dearly beloved son, John
为纪念我们的爱子 约翰
This is done in memory of the three kings who are said to have arrived in Bethlehem.
In memory of Biff, a furry friend to the end.
A prayer vigil is being held in the cathedral in memory of the bishop.
People hold dragon boat race on Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Quyuan.
They will build a monument in memory of the national hero.
This museum was built in memory of the great writer Lu Xun.
It was Built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahn in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631.
为纪念其妻, 死于1631年的蒙泰姬。玛哈而建。
An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there.
An inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there.
In Memory of Mr Cai Yuanpei
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单词 in memory of 释义

  • 单词释义:作为对某人的纪念  [更多..]



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