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单词 regardless of 例句大全,用单词regardless of造句:

regardless of ability to pay.
Regardless of cause, the glaucomatous eye is grossly abnormal in the later stages.
Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions.
However, regardless of very strong acceleration several parts of the basin did not liquefy.
Regardless of the night, we are ready to accept delivery to the customer.
不论日夜, 我们随时接受客户送货到库。
retainer searchers are paid regardless of whether they find an acceptable candidate.
If you remarry in another situation, regardless of the cultural acceptance of it, you commit adultery.
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.
不管残障与否, 其本质之一就是共享共享。
This is accomplished regardless of platform and physical location of the users.
Regardless of your excuse, you have violated the war and will be judged accordingly.
无论你有什么理由, 触法就要受到法律的制裁。
Regardless of your excuse, you have violated the war and will be judged accordingly.
Regardless of how the complexes accumulate, they spell trouble.
Everybody, regardless of party, will get a piece of the action.
无分派别, 人人都将获得利益。
They are ready to take action regardless of the consequence.
Control, regardless of its actual size.
Parameter as a block of bytes, regardless of its actual type.
参数视为字节块, 不论它们的实际类型是什么。
The size of the deductions would be the same regardless of the actual cost of the insurance provided by employers or purchased privately.
The result of adding two numbers is the same regardless of the order of the addition.
两数相加, 不管加法的次序如何, 其结果相同。
This time, our school is admitting new students regardless of their original identities.
Regardless of the translator adopts what law, translates the ideal film title far as possible.
译者无论采取何法, 尽可能翻译出理想的片名。
And regardless of age, adult children can be.
而且不分年龄, 成人小孩都可。
Each has the possibility of ascending to a certain level in adult form regardless of genealogy.
Keep optimistic regardless of evert adversity.
Keep optimistic regardless of every adversity.
Regardless of the moral issue, dishonesty in advertising has proved very unprofitable.
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单词 regardless of 释义

  • 单词释义:不管, 不顾;无;不拘  [更多..]



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