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单词 put forward 例句大全,用单词put forward造句:

She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.
The vibration absorption projects on global structure optimization of the loom and weaving plant were put forward.
The analysis theory of fixture abstract information structure hierarchy is put forward.
Response has been made by the initiator of Abstract Library Science to the doubt put forward by the audience.
Abstract Objective To put forward anatomy parameter about the cavernous sinus for microneurosurgery.
Abstract This paper put forward a new intrusion detection method based on neural network ensemble.
Then through academic summarize and logical derivation, we put forward the concept model and theoretic hypotheses.
通过理论研究和逻辑推导, 提出了概念模型和理论假设。
On this foundation, put forward to accelerate the measure that resource of cliff and indistinct develops.
And a kind acceleration starting curve with trapezoid is put forward.
I think I put forward some great ideas, but none of them were accepted.
我认为我提出一些极妙的想法, 但是他们都不被接受。
First put forward the general characteristics of accomplice.
Accordingly, some proposals on the enhancement of stability are put forward.
在此基础上, 提出了增强厌氧系统稳定性的对策。
They have put forward Comrade Lu as a candidate for the position of accountant.
The one who accumulate piece put forward think that accumulate the piece from accumulate a database and accumulate a terrace to constitute.
The accused does not put forward to rejoin of shape, do not affect people court to try.
被告不提出答辩状的, 不影响人民法院审理。
The feature of optimum of passive acoustic location in plane is put forward.
Consequently, SFOR has put forward the concept of having an active reserve force.
The totally new predicament of human exist is the actual foundation to put forward natural right.
parametrical optimization is also put forward to ascertain the front board and the motional boards actual structure dimension.
Based on actual business situation, it intends to put forward some Carrier aftermarket service innovation for development strategies.
结合业务实际情况, 提出售后服务创新的开利空调发展战略。
A new kind of parallel simulation platform with redundance actuation has been put forward.
Some doctors have put forward new ideas on acupuncture and moxibustion.
Objective To think clinical studies and application of acupuncture analgesia and put forward a proposal.
An adaptive control method for chaos oscillation in power system is put forward in this paper.
The idea of adding hammocks was put forward by hammock manufacturer Ticket To The Moon.
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单词 put forward 释义

  • 单词释义:提出;将…提前;向前移;将钟拨快  [更多..]



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