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单词 draw a conclusion 例句大全,用单词draw a conclusion造句:

So the author draw a conclusion that antiextraction is more suited to modern refine production of penicillin G.
In this paper, the author tries to make clear these problems mentioned above and draw a conclusion about them.
As a result, now I have to conjecture, and cant draw a conclusion.
It may draw a conclusion that the results coincide with the truth.
These reasons are not enough to draw a conclusion.
We may safely draw a conclusion that
I find it difficult to draw a conclusion on that.
I could draw a conclusion that she had a bif family from her words.
从她的谈话中, 我推断她有一个大家庭。
A fact or proposition used to draw a conclusion or make a decision.
From what is said above, we can draw a conclusion.
由上面所说的, 咱们没出国疑问做一个的结论。
From what is said above, we can draw a conclusion.
由上面所说得, 咱们没出国疑问做一个得结论。
I do not dare the wild talk to draw a conclusion, but in my heart hopeful!
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单词 draw a conclusion 释义

  • 单词释义:得出结论,告一段落  [更多..]



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